Monday, August 23, 2010

Recently, I....

I had a wonderful and busy time in this month. First weekend, 8 of August, I was taking part in the Em Mud Ball Throwing Event which was joint organized by Leo Club of Union High School with the school teachers.

Hoped that this activity can help the sea in front of Gurney Drive to become cleaner and more beautiful. =D
Em Mud Ball throwing Event
Union.. Roar!

Em Mud Ball throwing EventEm Mud Ball throwing Event
Photos taken at G Hotel & Gurney Plaza... (for fun xD)

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On the second weekend, I was attending 18th Anniversary of Lions Club Of Tanjung which was held in Traders Hotel. I had a wonderful time there with our sister club's Leos. >.<
Lion Anniversary
Group photo with Lions and our sister club...

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Memorable Farewell of Renjer Puteri 2010 was holding at our school canteen. Although there are somethings we did not do nicely, but finally we had successfully to have a good ending for this farewell.

To all my lovely seniors, thank you for your leading and teaching us in this whole year. We had learnt many and thanks for your supported to us. We will remember your advise forever. ^^
Farewell of UHS Renjer Puteri 2010
Group Photo of Renjer Puteri 2010 with Pn. Leong and our Advisor Miss. Ong and Miss
Farewell of UHS Renjer Puteri 2010 Farewell of UHS Renjer Puteri 2010
Photo with friends and Guides...

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Starting from this week, I must study hard for my incoming trial exam...
Forget what had happen around me, Just Let it GoooOO ba....
凡事不能强求, 惟有尽人事, 听天命.