Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bengkel Asas Kesukarelaan

Bengkel Khusus

Bengkel Khusus

Bengkel Khusus

Bengkel KhususBengkel KhususBengkel KhususBengkel Khusus

Bengkel KhususBengkel Khusus

Bengkel KhususBengkel Khusus

Bengkel KhususBengkel Khusus

Recently, I was attended Kursus Bengkel Asas Kesukarelaan which was organizing by Institut Sosial Malaysia. This courses was held in Hotel Royal Penang from 23 to 25 July 2010.

Our Girl Guide's teacher advisor wanted 7 of Renjer to join this courses. Starting, I joined this courses because it is free for the prize of the hotel room and meals. But, after this three days, I felt this activity is really meaningful and challenging! Because we must speak Bahasa Malaysia all the day with our group members which were adult. I know I was not good in BM. So, I was always 'jam' when speaking with them.

Furthermore, I was learnt many things and knowledges in this courses. And I felt my BM was improved... haha

Good Day! =)

Friday, July 9, 2010